Introducing the file browsing page


Getting Started

The file browser of V-NET is designed for touch devices with small screen sizes. The traditional folder tree structure navigator on the left of the screen is absent and the file browsing can start at any folder inside the file system, which act as the local root (or top) of the sub folder tree to be browsed. The file browser and folder browser is separated in the current system.

The path of the local root folder is shown inside of the dark area under the main menu. File system navigation is accomplished inside the area under the "Expand Folders", which is called current navigation path, starting at the local root / node. The button for each node is used to open the list of all child nodes of the node on its left. One can select one of the child nodes listed to change or add the node to the current navigation path. Tap on any node inside the current navigation path will select it as the current node with the files under it to be displayed.

A user can use it to reach any folder under to local root. He/She can also use it to create folders, change file name, copy or move files, delete files, search files, and, for a limited types of files, preview the contents, etc.


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