How to monitor?

More specifically, how to initiate a remote monitoring system?



  • A valid subscription to the monitor service. It can be done on spot inside of the relevant pages.
  • One need a computer or device with working camera and/or microphone attached inside of the environment been observed, which is referred to as the "source node" in the following.
  • The source node has Chrome, Opera or Firefox browser installed. Or the source node is running under Android with version not less than 5.0 with the App for V-NET installed. If one intend to monitor screens on the source node, Firefox browser or build of Chrome browser that supports screen capture should be used. They are referred to as V-NET "host" in the following. One also need a computer or device inside of the environment where observation is presented, which is referred to as the "target node" here. The target node should has the same set of hosts as the ones inside the source node.
  • The source endpoint is not the controller endpoint of the current account.

Start the server

Go to the source node, login V-NET using one of the above mentioned host and find the target endpoint inside of the entry page. If target endpoint is not login at this moment, it will not be list on the source endpoint be default. For it to be listed, one should go to the target node, login, and turn on the "Accept Offline Data" inside of the endpoint settings page. Those endpoints that accepts offline data will be listed inside of the "Reachables" tab page of the entry page.

Click the button on the selected target endpoint and then select "Serve Monitor For" task to go to the corresponding monitor server page. If the current endpoint does not allow "remote control", which is the default behavior of an endpoint, then allow it now. The user can then select the set of media streams to be observed and open them to start the service.

Start/Stop monitoring

Travel to the target node. If it is already logged in V-NET using the pre-specified target endpoint, then just click the "Start Monitoring" or "Stop Monitoring" button to start or stop the transmission of observed data streams. If it has not logged in V-NET, then using the pre-specified target endpoint to login, then click the button on source endpoint and select "Start Monitoring" task to go to the relevant receiving page to start or stop the transmission of observed data streams.

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